Friday, April 15, 2011

Final Version Due

You put together your Observation/Description papers. 

On the back of the last comment sheet, you will comment on the process of writing this paper.

List these steps to the process:






Next to each one write out comments about how this step went for you.

We look at the next paper: Remembering.

We look at an example of this kind of writing and the techniques for doing it.


1.  In your daybook fill at least one page brainstorming about possible topics for your Remembering paper.  Then begin writing your first draft, due Tuesday.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


You find and copy down examples of coordination and subordination in your draft. 

Then you take time to read your draft to a partner, looking for items to change.


1. Prepare the final version of your Observation/Description paper.  Bring all drafts and comment sheets to turn in together.  The notes stay in your daybook.

2.  One vocabulary word.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Draft #2

You read each other's drafts.


1.  Be preparing your final version;  it's due on Friday.  Be sure to have all your drafts with you tomorrow, and on Friday you'll hand in all related papers.

2.  One vocabulary word.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Practice Coordination and Subordination

Discuss Mowat in groups.

You do Ex. 24.1 in Everyday Writer.

Time to type.  We look at the MLA format.


1.  Draft #2 due tomorrow.

2.  One vocabulary word.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Revising, Sentence Style, and Mowat

We go over the Everyday Writer worksheet.

We look at sentence style:  coordination and subordination (Section 24).

You read "Observing Wolves."

You answer some questions about Mowat.

Look into Mowat for examples:  par. 24 for coordination, par. 36 for subordination.


1.  Finish reading Mowat and answer the questions on the handout.

2.  Draft #2 is due Wednesday.  Think about revision by reading pages 99-102 in Everyday Writer. The final version is due Friday.

2.  One vocabulary word.