Friday, May 25, 2012

Draft #1 Rhetorical Analysis

Look at the schedule for the next weeks.

The Shared In-Class Essay is Tuesday.  You need a blue book on Tuesday for writing that short essay. They are in the bookstore for 45 cents.

All Comp I classes at SCC get the same prompt and write on it for 45 minutes during class, in the bluebook.  An instructor from Lincoln will score yours; you'll get an idea what someone else thinks of your writing.

Read drafts;  do a good job on the comment sheets for this paper.

See you Tuesday.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Analyze Your Ads

Some ways ads are risky:  figuring out what your audience might think?  Taking a gamble? Another kind of gamble?

And how about realistic, again?

Okay, take time to begin typing up your first draft of this paper.


1.  Draft #1 due tomorrow.

2.  TWFTD:  fraud in the OED.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Three Appeals

The word manipulation.

We look at this. Do you agree with this? Thinkwrite.

What are the three rhetorical appeals? See handout.

Why should we be aware of this? Well..... (Godwin's Law)

Now you have time to take notes or ask questions about your ad and the design features on the back of the assignment sheet.


1. Take at least one page of notes about your ads in your daybook. 

2. Draft #1 due Friday.

3. TWFTD: allusive ( in the OED)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Writing About Images

First of all, you watch a video about rules of composition.

Now you will practice thinking about some of this.  Look at the pictures on pages 134-136 in Bedford.  Open your daybook to a two page spread. 

On the left-most side, create a list of bolded items from the checklist on the back of your assignment sheet.  Then across the top label a spot for each of the pictures: Sudan, Guatemala, U.S. 

Create columns of analysis for each picture. Comment about each photo in each row.


1.  Nail down your image choices and bring them to class tomorrow. Begin making notes about your ads using the checklist. You must have ONE PAGE OF NOTES about your ads in the daybook.

2. TWFTD:  propaganda in the OED

Monday, May 21, 2012

Visual Rhetoric

Look back through your daybook and find the definition of rhetoric.  If you can't, look it up.  Everyone write it down again. 

Let's make a list:  what makes writing effective?

Now.  Read pages 285-286 in Bedford.

Look at "The Fall of Icarus" on my desktop.  What makes an image effective?  Then you look at this photo.

I hand out the assignment sheet for this paper.

Read pages 286-300 in The Bedford Guide.  In your daybook, make a re-visualization of the graphic on page 286.


1.  Start looking for two ads that you will be able to write about, one a success, the other a failure.  Look either in magazines or online.

2.  Finish reading pages 286-300 in The Bedford Guide. Draw a version of the graphic on page 286 in your daybook (be creative!).

3.  TWFTD: manipulate  in the OED