Friday, June 12, 2015

Summer Break

Have a safe break! See you July 14.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Final

Read one of the following and be prepared to write about it:

 Frank DeFord

 Sarah Adams

If you wish to take the final to HELP your grade (even though you have 25 pages), I will only use the score if it DOES help your grade.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Count Day

Prepare your Final Version Problem/ Solution with MLA Sources ready to hand in.

Collect all your papers -- stapled to rubrics -- in order:

Legos -- green

Solo #1 Kickstarter Review -- white

Kickstarter on Paper -- lilac

Solo #2 Black Men and Public Spaces -- yellow

Sum/ Eval/ Response --  tan

Problem/ Solution -- salmon

Solo #3 -- gray

In-class Assessment Essay -- pink

Problem/ Solution with MLA Sources -- goldenrod

1.  Go to The Hub and the Course Evaluations section. Please do the evaluation for this class. Take your time!

2. Click on this link and use your papers to respond: 

3. Count the number of pages you wrote (adding fractional pages as fractions/ Works Cited pages count as a whole page ONLY if in MLA style).

Give me the number, AND turn in BOTH Problem/ Solution papers. If you did NOT post the Problem/ Solution with Sources paper in TurnItIn, I will not grade it and you will have a 0 for the paper.


1. If your count is less than 25 pages, choose ONE of the following essays to read:  "Dodging the Concussion Discussion" by Frank DeFord "Be Cool to the Pizza Dude" by Sarah Adams

Come to class prepared to write a short essay about one of the readings. You will able to look at the reading as you write.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Finishing Up

1. I return papers.

 2. Submit your Problem/ Solution with MLA Sources to TurnItIn in Moodle.

3. Use the document viewer to make final changes to your paper.

4. Daybooks are due at the end of class.


1. Tomorrow be prepared to hand in BOTH Problem/ Solution papers at the end of class.

2. Bring ALL graded papers (with rubrics) to class. You will use the papers for an activity, and you will submit a count of the pages you have written.