Friday, May 16, 2014

Example Student Paper

You need the Bedford Guide today.

Thinkwrite: Look at the pictures on pages 134-135 in Bedford. Describe what you see and write about possible problems these pictures illustrate.

On the board....

We look at a student's paper, "It's Not Just a Bike" pages 190-191 Bedford. You have the following questions to answer in your daybook:

  • 1. What problem does Lacey Taylor want solved in her essay “It’s Not Just a Bike”?
  • 2. ListTaylor’s five proposed solutions.
  • 3. Which two solutions do you think would be MOST effective? Explain.
  • 5. Which two solutions do you think would be LEAST effective? Explain.
  • 6. When Taylor proposed the solutions you identified in question 5 above, did she acknowledge in any way that there might be difficulties? Quote her statements that point out potential difficulties with either of those solutions.
  • 7. What difficulties do YOU foresee with some of her solutions?

1. Problem/ Solution Draft #1 is due Tuesday. Begin drafting over the weekend. On Monday class time will be used to create a "mind map" of your problem. If you wish to do so ahead of time, go to and save your work.

2. TWFTD: rehabilitation in OED

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Writing About Problems

You need The Bedford Guide for class today.

Let's look at the padlet and your brainstorming ideas... I hand out the assignment sheet.

Thinkwrite: Do you know anyone in jail? Someone who has been in jail? Would your employer hire someone who has been in jail? What's your direct knowledge/experience of the US justice system?

Here's a problem/solution presentation: Mass Incarceration in the US

Now let's look at an example of a problem/solution essay on the same topic. Bedford Guide pages 187-189.

You answer these questions in Bedford about the reading: Q. 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 on page 189.


1. Read the assignment sheet for your next paper. Be ready to answer questions about it.

2. Be deciding what you will write this next paper about. You should be able to explain tomorrow what you're going to write about.

3. TWFTD: incarcerate in OED

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Talking about Problems

Neither book is needed today.

We are surrounded by Problem/Solution presentations. Here are two:

Copyright: Forever Less One Day

Thinkwrite:  What does CGP Grey think the problem is? What is his solution?

The Problem with Patents  Open this on your screen and make it a size you can read.

Questions in the daybook:

1. What do you think is the main problem with the company Intellectual Ventures?

2. What are TWO problems that currently exist in our patent system?

3. Does this infographic propose any solutions?

4. What do you think could be done to solve some of these problems with the patent system?


1. Brainstorming about possible topics: we're going to use a "padlet" where all my classes can share ideas. CLICK HERE. Notice -- there's no intellectual property going on here! The whole purpose of brainstorming is to be able to build off of other's ideas.

2. TWFTD: ethical in OED

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Modern Problems: Intellectual Property

Hand in your papers.

In your daybook, define plagiarism. How does it relate to intellectual property?

Here's a definition of plagiarism. Here is intellectual property.

First of all, plagiarism stories: Viswanathan

1. Why did the publisher cancel her contract and destroy her books? Do you think this was appropriate?


2. Why was this outcome SO DIFFERENT?

Herr Guttenberg

3. Was this the right outcome for a politician, for Germany?

Beyond "plagiarism" to "intellectual property":

Book covers?

4. Was this a case of theft? Who decides?

If the courts are in charge...

5. Do you agree with the Australian Supreme Court ruling?

If there's time....better news, for some: music... TV iTunes

6. Whom do you think the law says that TV news footage "belongs" to? What do you think? Have you heard of "fair use"?

All the questions above are answered in the daybook.


1. Write a paragraph in your daybook that describes ONE problem relating to intellectual property, plagiarism or fair use. Use a specific example from your experience.

2. TWFTD: patent in OED.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Taking Care of Problems

Pick up your daybooks.

I return your Kickstarter papers. Kickstarter is in the news....Number 1   Number 2   Number 3

Answer some questions about your Kickstarter.

Problem: people are getting scammed on Kickstarter.


What are the causes of this problem? How serious is the problem?
What are some possible solutions?

We talk.

Now open your paper that is due tomorrow in Turnitin. You have time to ask for help with editing issues.

1. Is EVERY MLA detail taken care of?
2. Let's check the rubric to see if you are meeting the assignment.


1. Final Version of your Summary/Evaluation/ Response is due. Bring all drafts and comment sheets to class. Be sure to have your Works Cited page printed with the paper.

2. TWFTD: caveat emptor in OED.

3. ASEP/MOPAR: your paper is due in Turnitin tomorrow. You are to fill out two comment sheets, that I hand out today, about someone's draft (trade with each other outside of my class). A hard copy with those comment sheets is due this Thursday, May 15. Your daybook is due this Friday.