Friday, May 3, 2013

Draft 1 Summary/ Analysis

I.  We look at yesterday's run-on.

II.  I return papers to 8 AM. 

One more possibility for Traveller's Credit: : an actual story for 200 points. It would be more polished than a daybook entry, and you would type it up and attach it to an email to me in order to hand it in.   Non-travellers, a story adds to your page count.

III.  You fill out the Writer's Page about your Draft 1.

IV.  You read and comment on 2 drafts.


1.  Revise your draft, due Tuesday May 7.

2.  TWFTD:  no word

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Working on your Paper


Review of coordination and subordination. See April 15 in your daybook.

I.  The following is a run-on. Fix it by combining the two clauses four different ways using subordination (p. 290) and coordination (fanboys or a semicolon):

Education is an elusive word it often means different things to different people.
Done correctly, you will have 4 long sentences that say the same thing but are held together differently.

II. We review the assignment sheet to see what should be in your draft.

III. Work on the draft due tomorrow. During class tomorrow you will read and write about each other's drafts.

IV. Finish revising the blurbs.  Print. Hand in.


1. Finish up your draft. Type it? (Have mercy on your readers.)

2. TWFTD:  elude in OED. Elusive comes from "elude."

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Working on Your Article

Hand in your Short Intellectual Property essay.

On the board, commit to an article.

Now answer the questions on this handout about your chosen article.

Which questions would have objective answers? Which subjective?

You can see which would lead to summary and which to analysis. You may work together if you wish.

Last of all, we go to the blurb forum, for a revision exercise.  Every blurb needs the author and the title, as well as being correct sentence.  Print when done.


1.  Finish the handout, and start writing your First Draft of the Long Summary/ Analysis paper.

2.  TWFTD:  a word from your article with a quote from your article.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How to Summarize?

Thinkwrite: What did you think about the Pat Bourne article?

We discuss the questions you answered.

You write.

Now read an example of Summary/Analysis about the Pat Bourne reading.
  • Underline the sentence that states the main point of the article.
  • Label the paragraphs in the margins -- intro/summary/analysis/concl
  • Underline author tags.
  • Put a wavy line under all the negative statements by me you can see.

You were to have read both articles and chosen one. You have time to read and annotate your article now. If you are reluctant to write in your book, ask me to scan a copy for you.


1. Read your chosen article and annotate it. 

2. Short Intellectual Property Essay DUE TOMORROW.

3. TWFTD: a word from your article, with quote from article.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Summary/ Analysis


Write a quick blurb about your observation paper.  Post in forum.  Now write a blurb about that copyright video you annotated last week. Post that too.

What is Summary/Analysis? You just wrote a microsummary that may have had opinion in it too.  If it did, it was doing analysis as well.  That's objective and subjectiving writing about something.

Handout of next Long Paper Assignment.

See readings in Bedford.

How is this done? To practice, read this handout about Pat Bourne. Answer the questions in your daybook.


1. Finish Pat Bourne questions in your daybook.

2.  TWFTD:  blurb in OED

More blurbs?  This. or this.  And the problem of copying. In a new way, that is.