Friday, August 23, 2013

Draft #1 Problem Solution Paper

We check Ex. 37.1.

At the end of class I'll collect daybooks.

You exchange drafts.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Working On Problem/ Solution

We check the answers to the grammar. You do Ex. 37.1 in sections 37f page 390 in Everyday Writer.

Your type your drafts.


1.  8 am and 11 am classes will bring Draft 1 to class tomorrow.

2.  1 pm and 3 pm classes will send me an email at and attach your draft to the email. I will reply with two drafts attached that you will fill comment sheets out for. (Pick up comment sheets today.) Please send the email by the end of our regular class meeting time.

3. TWFTD:  pinnacle in OED.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Deciding your Topic

Grammar Fun:

We look at dangling and misplaced modifiers.

In your daybook, answer these questions:

1. State the problem you have decided to write about.

2.  Describe how you came to decide on that problem.

3. What is your personal experience with this problem?

4. What are some causes of this problem?

5. What solution or solutions do you have in mind?

6. What additional questions do you have relating to the topic? NOTE: If at any time you decide to look up answers to these questions, write an account of what you did and how you did it IN YOUR DAYBOOK. Put a star next to it.

Place a BIG star in the margin next to #2 of the above answers.

When you have done the above, do the below:

You do Ex. 36.1 page 381 and Ex. 36.4 page 384 in The Everyday Writer. Write correct answers in your daybook.


1. Begin writing Draft 1 of the Problem/Solution paper, due Friday. Draft #1 must be typed. Only one copy is needed for class Friday.

2. Tomorrow is a work day. There will be time during class to work on Draft 1.

3. TWFTD: genre in OED

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Problem/ Solution Day 2

Thinkwrite: Look at the pictures on pages 134-135 in Bedford. Describe what you see and write about possible problems these pictures illustrate. (More. Note: the captions are not correct.)

I hand out the assignment sheet.

We look at a student's paper, "It's Not Just a Bike" pages 188-189 Bedford. You have the following questions to answer in your daybook:

  • 1. What problem does Lacey Taylor want solved in her essay “It’s Not Just a Bike”?
  • 2. This is her hook: “Imagine one day waking up to find that your car had been stolen. To many students, a bicycle is just like a car.” I think it would be more effective to do the imagining FOR the reader, and tell a little story. Using YOUR imagination, write a better hook that tells a story to helpus imagine this situation. {This should be several sentences.}
  • 3. List Taylor’s five proposed solutions.
  • 4. Which two solutions do you think would be MOST effective? Explain.
  • 5. Which two solutions do you think would be LEAST effective? Explain.
  • 6. When Taylor proposed the solutions you identified in question 5 above, did she acknowledge in any way that there might be difficulties? Quote her statements that point out potential difficulties with either of those solutions.

1. Decide what your LONG problem/solution paper will be about. Fill one page in your daybook brainstorming about this problem (or problems, to help you decide on one). Causes? Solutions? Experience?

2. TWFTD: rehabilitation

Monday, August 19, 2013

Problem/ Solution Day 1

Turn in Summary/ Response.

Thinkwrite: Come up with three labels that apply to you. 

Now think of the worst thing (morally or emotionally) you have ever done. What labels might someone on the outside attach to you based on those actions? Don't tell what you did, but list some labels

Are any of the terms on your second list also on the first? Why?


Remember I said that TED talks were Creative Commons works?We watch this. Is any of this your problem?

Now we read an example of the next paper you will write. Bedford pages 185-187, "Why Prisons Don't Work."

In your daybooks, answer questions 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8 from Bedford page 187.


1. Finish the questions about "Why Prisons Don't Work."

2. List 3 possible problems you can write about, with actual solutions you can propose and explain. The problem should be something you have personal experience with.

3. TWFTD: identity in OED NOT the first definition!

[ ASEP: Have Draft #2, two copies printed tomorrow for class at 2 PM. Also be able to upload it in Moodle to Turnitin. ]