Friday, May 22, 2015

Working on Your Draft

Thinkwrite #1:  What do you think it means to be "open-minded'? Is it a good thing? How can you tell whether you are open-minded or not?

Thinkwrite #2:

Now a bit of punctuation practice.

And some real-world Problem/ Solution.

Now let's look at your paper in TurnItIn.  I will be reading and commenting gradually, starting today. There will be a comment in every paper by Sunday at 7 PM. You need to use this as a tool to improve your paper.

Right now look at the grammar mark-up and see whether you understand what it is marking. (Remember it's just software and not very smart, so nothing may be wrong.)

Daybooks are handed in at the end of class today.


1. Be working on your Problem/ Solution paper, so that you have  the Final Version ready to hand in on Weds. May 27. We will NOT be working on them in class on Tuesday.

2. No word for the day.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Draft #2 Problem/ Solution Due

Print one hard copy.

Submit a copy in Moodle to TurnItIn.

You'll read two drafts today, and comment on them.

When you are done there is a handout for Pathos/Ethos/ Logos.


1. Do you have questions about your paper? Be ready with them tomorrow.

2. Daybooks will be collected.

2. TWFTD:  anecdote in OED

Wednesday, May 20, 2015



Read through the above comic. Thinkwrite: Where do you get your "facts"? How do you know facts are facts?

Get out your Bedford Guide book: read pages 40-42. We discuss.

Think about your Problem/ Solution paper and the kinds of evidence you are using to support your view of the problem.  Are you using strong sources for evidence? Are you using others' opinions?

See page 43 to doublecheck what you use as evidence.

Then we look at ethos, pathos and logos.

 We apply to Rideau's essay.


1. Draft #2 is due tomorrow. It will be the standard day of reading rough drafts and filling out comment sheets. Please note that your feedback for each other is earning YOU points.

2. You will also upload your Draft #2 to TurnItIn to help with editing. Have the e-file of your draft available .

3. Daybooks due Friday.

4. TWFTD: correlation in OED

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Draft #1 Problem/ Solution Due

Fill out your Writer's Page (handed out yesterday). Clip your Writer's page with the hard copy of your draft and two comment sheets. [note: the commenter's name goes on the commment sheet]

You will form groups of 3 to 4, where you will exchange papers. Each of you should comment on 2.

When you are done, get out The Bedford Guide. Read another example essay, Wilbert Rideau's " Why Prisons Don't Work" pages 187-189.

In your daybook, write out answers to Questions 5, 7, and 8 on page 189 before class tomorrow.


1. Finish reading "Why Prisons Don't Work" and answering questions 5, 7 and 8 on page 189 in Bedford. 

2. TWFTD: abhor in OED

Monday, May 18, 2015

Example Essays

Your worksheets?

Bedford Guide pages 190-191. Group work.


1. Tomorrow your Draft #1 is due for your Problem/ Solution paper.

2. TWFTD:  rehabilitation in OED