Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Informing Due and Intellectual Property Short Essay

Turn in your long Informing MLA Style paper.

Then type up your Intellectual Property short essay. Here is the prompt:

"Intellectual property" is a term that takes the idea into the courts, as the government attempts to define and enforce just which ideas belong to whom. For example, the Australian courts ruled that Men at Work had to pay for the use of a two-bar tune that the world associates with Australia.

Think about the difference between "having" an idea, "using" an idea, and "stealing" an idea.

Come up with a statement reflecting how you think we should treat the ideas of others, and then support your thesis with two or three paragraphs. Use specific, interesting examples to back up your views.

If you need more time to finish the short essay, you may hand it in on Monday Nov. 28.

Have a lovely holiday.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Editing and Intellectual Property

Short essay on observation.  I return yours.  You read and score it in your daybook.

Give it a score from 5 down to 2 in these categories:
Main Idea

Then decide on an overall score which combines all these:

Then I give you your score sheet.  In your daybook comment on the differences between scores, and my comments, and what you think about your essay as you read it now.

Now, you get the new topic for a short essay, due tomorrow.
We look at two videos.  The first is a little radical. The second is very radical.


TurnItIn for your Informing MLA Style draft:  upload and edit.  Ask me any questions you might have about editing.


1.  The Final Version of your Informing paper is due tomorrow.  Bring all related sheets.

2.  During class you will type up a short  five paragraph essay on Intellectural Property -- see the prompt.

3.  No words this week.