Friday, July 20, 2012

Moodle Day + Notes

Class does not meet today.  I am in my office until noon if you have questions, then I'll be in Lincoln for a meeting.

Required:  Go the the Moodle version of class from The Hub, and read/listen to the Samuel Scudder essay.  Then answer the questions about it in your daybook.


1. Decide what you will observe and begin observing and taking notes.  Detailed notes make a good paper.

2. Get every daybook assignment done;  daybooks will be collected Tuesday July 24.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Your turn in all related Lego papers, including the final version of your directions.

And how did the Lego build go for you?  Assumptions?

We discuss the nomenclature problem, and you thinkwrite about it.

Here is an interesting place.  In your daybook, describe what you see. Now we look at Chapter 5, especially pages 77-89 in The Bedford Guide.  Together we create subjective/objective notes.

We read "Communications" p. 82-84.  I hand out the assignment sheet.

Read all the white pages of Chapter 5.


1. Class will NOT meet tomorrow (Friday).  Instead you must go to the Moodle version of this class and do the Observation/Description assignment there.  You will [A] read/listen to an essay and [B] answer questions about it in your daybook.

2.  Decide on what you will observe and begin taking notes over the weekend.  Choose well!  Be interested!  Take DETAILED (objective + subjective) notes!

3. Prepare your daybook to hand in Tuesday for the first daybook check.

4. TWFTD:  subjective (Note:  only one definition needs to be recorded, but it should match the quote you use to illustrate the word.)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Legos Day Three

"Time given to thought is the greatest time saver of all." -                                                               Norman Cousins

As you build projects today, you have to be aware of several things at once. You must follow the directions, but you must also analyze the directions as you use them.

We look at pages 25-27 in Bedford. Copy into your daybook the "skills" chart. You will do the "literal" skills as you build. You will analyze and evaluate as you comment on a set of instructions.

How is the layout on the page working?

What is clear and what is confusing in the writing?

Are there problems with the directions or is it the audience (you)?

Everyone builds two.

When all are done, you can see how others did with your directions. Hopefully you have some ideas for ways to improve your own. Remember, even if people easily built your directions, I want you to look for ways to improve what you have.


1. Brainstorm ideas for changes to your directions. Come up with as many ideas for change -- even "silly" ones -- as possible. Pencil these ideas over your directions that were used today and/or list them on the green brainstorming sheet.

2.  Make typed changes to your directions and print the new version before class. You do NOT have to make all the changes that you brainstormed. The revision is worth 1/3 of  your grade on this project. Show that you are thinking. You will hand in all versions tomorrow -- two typed versions and your rough draft.

3. TWFTD: superfluous

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Legos Day Two

We look at the answers to Ex. 22.9 page 22 in the exercise book.

I give you a directions sheet about MLA style, and you type up your directions.

 Look at these links: Legos   we    love . Indeed. And  professional builder #1Professional builder #2Lego artist #3. 


1.  Finish typing your directions and print so they are ready for a classmate to follow tomorrow. Have them printed BEFORE class starts. Have your answer picture ready as well.

2.  Read the handout about Lego nomenclature.  Write out the answers to the questions at the end of the handout IN YOUR DAYBOOK!

2. TWFTD: nomenclature

Monday, July 16, 2012

Legos Day One

"My play was a success.  The audience was a failure."  by Ashleigh Brilliant

Thinkwrite in your daybook: If a set of directions fails, whose fault might it be?  Thinkwrite until I stop you.

You spend 10 minutes working on Ex. 22.9 in the Everyday Writer Exercise book. Look at Section 23 in The Everyday Writer.

I explain the Lego project, and you begin.


1.  Finish writing out your directions and be ready to type them up in the lab tomorrow. (If you have not already logged in once on campus, do so before tomorrow.)

2. TWFTD: subsequent (Look in Sec. 23 for help.)