Thursday, October 7, 2010

Purpose, Audience, Genre

In your daybook: Brainstorm a list of all the different types (genres) of writing you have done in the last year or two.  Anything counts : lists, applications, school assignments, memos, internet stuff (?).  Then next to one of the longer pieces of writing, jot down several sentences describing the situation that called for that piece of writing -- what was the occasion, purpose, and audience?  What was the genre of this writing?  Was your piece effective?

Remember, the parts of a rhetorical situation are just what you should consider in order to communicate effectively.

Now you will do a reading and discuss it.

If there's time,  today you'll describe something you can look at tonight.


1. Find 3 examples of different genres of writing and bring them to class. See if you have anything around home that is NOT effective at achieving its purpose.

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