Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lego Directions Due/ Observation

Your turn in all related Lego papers, including the final version of your directions.

"For godsake, keep your eyes open. Notice what's going on around you."  William Burroughs

Here is an interesting place.  In your daybook, describe what you see.

We look at page 78 in Bedford.

Then you read "Communications" p. 82-84.  Discuss.

Read page 85 and assignment handout. List in your daybook 5 places you could observe for this assignment.


1. Pick a spot in your room, around the house, or outside.  For 5 minutes (time it) write down EVERYTHING that you see, using the two column method on page 87. That gives you objective and subjective details. You may do this as a list or as sentences, your choice.

2.  Now, try to come up with a place where you would like to do this several different times, for a paper.  Be ready to tell me tomorrow.

3. TWFTD:  subjective (Note:  only one definition needs to be recorded, but it should match the quote you use to illustrate the word.)

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