Monday, November 26, 2012

Sources: The CRAAP Test

More problem/solution? These films.      This film.

I return your papers.

What is it about the internet? Sources and reliability. Google: famous failures. See this? Compare to this. How about googling charitable giving statistics?

Let's think about the C.R.A.A.P. test for this site. Take notes.

Currency? Relevance? Authority? Accuracy? Purpose?

Pay attention to these factors as you look at sources.

Now.  Go to the lab, and find at least 4 different sources that apply to your topic.  Two of them should be reliable, according to the CRAAP test, and two should fail the CRAAP test on some point. You must provide the URL, describe each site, and explain how it either meets or fails the CRAAP test.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) you will hand in your daybooks to be checked.


1.  Find 4 online sources that pertain to your subject.  Two should pass and two should fail the CRAAP test. Record their names and the reasons they pass or fail. This will NOT be in the daybook check tomorrow, so you may begin it but not have it done for tomorrow.

2.  If you have not turned in your Mike Rowe short essay, that is due tomorrow.

3.  Have your daybook ready to hand in.

4.  TWFTD: reliable in OED.

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