Thursday, April 25, 2013

Critical Thinking

Thinkwrite: What are "critical thinking skills" and what's an example of a task where you would use/need them?

We look at Bedford pages 36 - 39.

You read and take notes in your daybook about pages 40-42.

Now we watch a short video. Sound familiar? Together we identify his point, his evidence, his assumptions on the sheet I'll hand out.


1.  Fill at least one page in your daybook with your thoughts on copyright/patent issues.  Review your notes from Tuesday and Thursday.  What do YOU think the purpose of copyright is?  Do you see any problems with it?  Do you steal the music you listen to?  Why?  Why not? Would you care if someone stole the idea for a tool you invented?  What if someone copies a picture you took and uses it to make an album cover?

Do you need help?  Look at this.  AND look at this.

2. TWFTD: intellectual property (as a term)

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