Thursday, May 23, 2013


Read in Ev. Wr. page 268 and answer (thinkwrite) this question: what's wrong with using clichés?

Favorite clichés? List all the clichés you can think of.

Now, divide them into categories. (Description, advice, ???) We list them.

The opposite is also true?  Remember this? What about pink and blue?

Here's a bit of cliched advice: don't talk to strangers.

See handout for the reading and prompt for Short Essay #4.

Tomorrow you will have 45 minutes to type a response to this prompt in your daybook.  You may take that essay with you and revise, to hand in Wednesday May 29. Doing it tomorrow while being timed is practice for the Assessment Essay in two weeks.

I'll be picking up daybooks Tuesday.


1. Your Final Version Problem/Solution is due.

2. Be thinking of a cliché you will write about for Short Project #4.

3. TWFTD: cliché in OED.

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