Thursday, August 1, 2013


First of all, "bad" analogies. I used to get an email with the subject, "Why English Teachers Die Young." It was "bad high school student writing". It said. But it was funny...

Snopes (the place on the internet to go to see if you're being fooled) revealed that these gems are the result of writers' hard work at winning a contest.
If you'd like to read more of them, go to the same contest from a different year.

In your daybook, please copy down two of these that you think are especially good, AND INCLUDE THE AUTHOR'S NAME.

Now, in your daybook, define plagiarism. Here's one.      And here's an older version.

First of all, plagiarism stories: Viswanathan

1. Why did the publisher cancel her contract and destroy her books? Do you think this was appropriate?


2. Why was this outcome SO DIFFERENT?

Herr Guttenberg

3. Was this the right outcome for a politician, for Germany?

Beyond "plagiarism" to "intellectual property":

Book covers?

4. Was this a case of theft? Who decides?

If the courts are in charge...

5. Do you agree with the Australian Supreme Court ruling?

If there's time....better news, for some: music... TV iTunes

6. Whom do you think the law says that TV news footage "belongs" to? What do you think? Have you heard of "fair use"?

All the questions above are answered in the daybook.


1. Tomorrow your Final Version is due. Bring your hard copy with ALL blue sheets and drafts to turn in.

2. TWFTD: nebulous.

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