Thursday, August 8, 2013

Working on your Paper/ IP Due

Before we start: on the board, quote a short phrase or sentence from your article that stood out to you. It might seem unique to the author, or representative of the point of the article.


Review of coordination and subordination. See your daybook.

I. The following is a run-on. Fix it by combining the two clauses four different ways using subordination (p. 290) and coordination (fanboys or a semicolon):

Education is an elusive word it often means different things to different people.
Done correctly, you will have 4 long sentences that say the same thing but are held together differently.

II.  I hand out the Writer's Page early, so we can look over the grading rubric to see what should be in your draft.

III. Work on the draft due Monday. During class Monday you will read and write about each other's drafts.

IV. Make sure you post a blurb about your IP essay (in Moodle).


1. Finish up your draft. Type it and bring two copies to class Monday.

2. Tomorrow, Friday, class will NOT meet. There IS a daybook activity to do in Moodle. You click on the link, watch a Prezi, and then write in your daybook.

3. TWFTD: elude in OED. Elusive comes from "elude."

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