Monday, October 7, 2013

Typing Your Directions

About the writing process?  See what magazine this is? Just google his name for some good reads.

Thinkwrite: What does Coates say about the writing process that sounds new or different to you? What does he say that sounds familiar?

Aundience, purpose and genre for the Lego project?

I hand out a guide for setting up your paper MLA style. You have time to type and create your directions for tomorrow.

{{11:10 class will not meet on Tuesday because of John Deere's field trip. We WILL meet and do the build on Wednesday. On Thursday will be a build day as well.}}

To get in the mood:
 Printer.   Legoswelove .  V-8.  Indeed. And professional builder #1. Professional builder #2. Lego artist #3.


1. Have TWO copies of your directions printed, a copy of the answer key picture, and your pieces for class tomorrow.

2. Go to our class in Moodle to read about Lego nomenclature.There are questions at the end that should be answered in your daybook.

3. TWFTD: nomenclature.

1 comment:

  1. aaron stewart
