Monday, November 4, 2013

Sentence Variety

Fix the following sentences:

1. The fire alarm went off on Friday I had a headache.

2. An email explained that steam set the alarm off the students were washing off shop equipment.

We look at subordination and coordination in Everyday Writer. 

You look at the link below and answer the questions in your daybook.


1. List the coordinating conjunctions:

2. List 5 subordinating conjunctions:

3. Give an example of a sentence that uses coordination to connect two clauses.

4. Give an example of a sentence that uses subordination to connect two clauses.

Now do Ex. 25.2. You may write or type it; it must end up in your daybook.


1. Have your Draft 1 Summary/Evaluation/Response paper typed for tomorrow. You must be able to open the file onto your computer during class tomorrow. We will use computers for working with the drafts, not hard copies.

2. TWFTD: Word #3 from your article.

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