Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Solo #1: Kickstarter Review

I return the daybooks. Please note: if you want to make up the typo points, you may hunt for them and record them on the daybook score sheet. Turn the sheet back in to me tomorrow and you'll get the points.

To start us thinking, here's an article I happened upon over the weekend:


This caused me to follow the link about the T-shirt. Which brought me back to Kickstarter.

Is there a product that you are very familiar with the hidden work that goes into producing it? Please explain....in a thinkwrite.

Did you find a Kickstarter that communicated clearly what would be required to produce it's product?

Now you need to turn in the homework in Moodle. Follow the directions in the "Forum" where you will upload your electronic document. If you printed the assignment, then you need to hand in the printed version, but you also need to go to Moodle and create a post in the forum.

When we are done with that, I'll hand out the assignment sheet for the Solo paper due Thursday. We need to discuss criteria...


1. Finalize your choice of two Kickstarters to write about, and begin the steps of creating Solo Assignment #1. Start with taking a page of notes in your daybook. This leads to choosing criteria. Or this page of writing could be a pre-write for your paper.

2. One typo today that is not visible to spellcheck. It's a tough one, and that's a hint.

3. TWFTD: criteria

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