Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Solo Paper #1 Due

Don't print yet!!

Open on your computer screen YOUR copy of your paper. Do a "Save As" and add "Color Version" to the name for the paper. Make the following changes to the new file:

1. Make your title red. Are ALL the major words capitalized? [All font size 12. Times New Roman.]

2. Make the introduction and conclusion purple.

3. Make your hook and your clincher bold. They should be about a sentence long. If you haven't got one, don't mark it.

4. Underline the words that refer to key elements  in the kickstarters you discussed.

5. Italicize your thesis (the point of your paper.)

6. Click the "save" icon and close this file.

7. Go to our class in Moodle and click on the forum to turn this color version in.

NOW PRINT your hard copy.

THINKWRITE: Please look back at your group's list of the steps in the writing process, from the second day of class. Think about the process you went through to write THIS paper. Which of those steps on the list did you actually do? What did you find hard/easy about writing this paper?

We shift gears to the Kickstarter on Paper.  I hand out the blue assignment sheet.

You get into groups and come up with a list of the sections that you think every Kickstarter OUGHT to have. These should come from what you observed. These sections or parts of sections are what we're going to call Key Elements for this assignment.

We combine your imput into a CLASS LIST OF KEY ELEMENTS. Everyone will write this onto the purple sheet.


1. Write a page of brainstorming notes of ideas for your Kickstarter on Paper. The rough draft, due Friday, should be typed. It should have something in EACH of the Key Elements, but it need not be complete.

2. TWFTD: Your choice from Bedford Ch. 21.

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