Why do we use apostrophes?
What ARE the rules?
- The dogs ears were twitching.
- The dogs ears were twitching.
- The bus___ doors were open.
- The bus___ doors were open.
Now, to help with your internet wanderings, the SCC library has a resource called "Opposing Viewpoints" where information has been collected. Search terms matter: patent litigation vs. patent infringement lawsuit
You have some time to work on your web search.
1. By class Friday you need to have narrowed the possibilities down to one or two problems that you could discuss in your paper. Possible areas: drugs patents, gene patents, patent trolls, music sharing, music licensing, fair use/abuse, enforcement by whom (Google, government, international enforcement), trademark abuse/enforcement, sampling, copyright length, enforcement, requirements. Does copyright promote or stifle creativity? Can business function without IP laws? How hard is it to GET a patent for small business? If you have one, does it protect your profits?
2. TWFTD: infringement OED
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