Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Spell Checking

Thinkwrite:  Have you ever experienced a really effective sales pitch, when you ended up making a purchase when you had planned NOT to? Try to describe what happened. How were you convinced?

First of all, we do Ev. Writer Ex. 23.8, page 270 at the bottom, and on the next page a bit.  You will type and make the corrections as you type.

Then you will do Exercise 23.9 page 272, writing the correct word down in your daybook (number from 1 to 13).

Now open a Word file, create the MLA heading,  and list ALL the Key Elements.  If you've already started this paper, open that file and work on it. At the bottom, list the Key Elements, and delete them as you write them into your paper.

How will you arrange them on the page? What will you CALL them? You are free to play with these in your layout, after the MLA style heading and page numbers. You may make headings font size 14, and text should be 12 or smaller.


1. Write your first draft of the Kickstarter on Paper. It should be typed, and there should be something for each of the required elements.

2. TWFTD: novice from Everyday Writer.

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