Friday, August 28, 2009

Extra Post!

A blogger I read posted this wonderful video. Helen Keller speaks!

For a good blog look here.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Class #13

You turn in your final version of the Summary/Response #1.

How DO you write a good ending/conclusion?

Grammar editing practice.

We discuss writing techniques for the Summary/Response #2 of an image.

You write a practice Five Paragraph Essay using an old prompt (in your journal).

I will collect and check journals on Tuesday next week.


1. Read in Reid pages 280-281 and 338-340. We are going on to the NEXT paper in these readings.

2. In your journal take one full page of notes describing the image you have chosen for your paper.

3. Create Draft #1 of your Summary/Response to an Image and bring it to class.

4. In your journal make a note of either a song or story or poem or whatever that you like that has an effective ending. Feel free to post them in the comments section of this blog (use Anonymous but include your name in the post).

4. Two vocabulary words.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Class #12

We finally look at the Five Paragraph essay. See links in Class #10.

Then we discuss Summary/Response #2 on an Image. See these examples of possible topics:

The Fall of Icarus


a beer ad

and the Haka from Class #11.

Peer Review of Draft #2 of Summary/Response #1


1. Create the final version of your Summary/Response paper. Be sure to edit carefully and have a clear introduction and conclusion. Make sure that you have an appropriate title that is NOT the same as the article you are writing about.

2. Collect some possible images to write about for the next paper. Bring them to class for input.

3. In your journal, answer #1, #2 and #5 from "Postscript on the Writing Process" on page 204 in Reid.

4. Two vocabulary words.