Friday, February 28, 2014

Draft #2 Problem/ Solution Due

You give feedback on drafts today.

You need to submit your draft 2 into Turnitin in Moodle today.

You turn in your daybooks as well.


1. The final version of this paper is due Tuesday.

2. No word.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Three Appeals

We look at the following powerpoint: from here.

You do the handout.

You get out your draft from yesterday. Either label items in the draft that already are examples of pathos, ethos or logos, OR make notes ON the draft about possible ways to ADD IN material that would be employing the three rhetorical appeals.

You are writing this paper in order to inform your audience about the problem AND to persuade us to care about it and help solve it.

1. Have Draft 2 ready for tomorrow.
2. TWFTD: rhetorical in OED.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Draft #1 Problem Solution

We check the apostrophe handout.

You fill out the writer's page.  I pass out comment sheets and you exchange papers. 

PLEASE pay attention to the input you get. I am grading some papers where students marked things or made comments that would have improved the grade on the paper.


1. Improve this draft. Draft #2 is due Friday.

2. TWFTD: revise in OED.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Apostrophes and Writing Your Draft

Apostrophes! pages 420-421 in Everyday Writer.

What are the meanings of these sentences? Copy and explain:

My brother's dog's food is rotting.
My brothers' dog's food is rotting.
My brothers' dogs' food is rotting.
My brother's dogs' food is rotting.
Possession, yes, but what about these words?  his, hers, theirs, ours, yours, its, whose.

Special confusion points go to its, your, their and whose because of it's, you're, they're and who's.

Do the handout. Then work on your draft for tomorrow.


1. Draft 1 due Problem/ Solution paper

2. TWFTD: possessive in OED.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Mind Mapping

Here's mine:

You make yours. You need to state your problem. Examples. Causes. Effects. Solution. Possible problems with the solution. See pages 193-195 in Bedford.

When you are done, print what you have produced to include in the next daybook check. Also email the link to yourself if you want to continue to work on it.

Tomorrow there will be some time for writing Draft #1.


1. Begin working on Draft #1.

2. TWFTD: feasible in OED.