Friday, February 22, 2013

Draft 1 Problem/Solution

We look at drafts and discuss problems.

Misplaced modifiers, too?  Do the first 15 of these sentences.  In your daybook, copy down the misplaced or dangling modifier if there is one, or put OK if there is none.  You'll need to click on "Get an explanation" after each answer in order to do this.


1.  TWFTD:  your choice in the OED

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Work Day

With or without snow, today you have  today to work on your Problem/Solution paper.

Remember that you should have a 1 page brainstorm about your topic in your daybook, as well.


1.  Draft #1 due tomorrow.

2. TWFTD:  persuade in OED

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

IP Due Today/ Problems?

Turn in your short essays on Problems with Intellectual Property.

In case you think patent law is a new problem.


We look at dangling and misplaced modifiers and do an exercise.

Now.  In your daybook, answer these questions:

1.  State the problem you want to write about:

2.  What is your personal experience with it?

3. What are the causes of this problem?

4.  What solution or solutions do you have in mind?

As I talk to each of you, everyone works on Ex. 35.1 page 82.  Rewrite each sentence so it makes sense.


1.  Write Draft 1 of the Problem/Solution paper, due Friday.

2.  Tomorrow is a work day.  You do not need to come to class.

3.  TWFTD:  consensus  in OED

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Problem/Solution Day 2

Have you heard about this? Remember your short essay on problems with intellectual property is due tomorrow.

Complete this sentence: In his essay "Why Prisons Don't Work," Wilbert Rideau _____

I hand out the assignment sheet.

We look at a student's paper, "It's Not Just a Bike" pages 188-189 Bedford. You have questions to answer in your daybook (see handout -- and on Moodle). Groups?


1. Decide what your LONG problem/solution paper will be about. There should be at least one page of brainstorming ideas for this in your daybook. You will reveal your topic tomorrow.

2. Your Short Project #3 on Problems with Intellectual Property is due tomorrow.  Hard copy, print before class, turn in with the pink prompt.

2.  TWFTD:  rehabilitation

Monday, February 18, 2013

Problem/Solution Day 1

Daybook writing:

Look at the pictures on pages 134-135 of Bedford. Think about these families and situations. Write some paragraphs that describe what you see in these pictures.

Together we create two columns on the page, one labelled "Problems" one labelled "Solutions." We brainstorm problems with any solutions that these pictures bring to mind.

Now we read an example of the next paper you will write. Bedford pages 185-187, "Why Prisons Don't Work."

In your daybooks, groups answer questions 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8 from page 187.

At the end of class, turn in your daybooks with three handouts included (see Friday's post).


1. Begin thinking about a problem you can write about, with actual solutions you can propose and explain. The problem should be something you have personal experience with.

2.  Remember the short essay due Wednesday.