Thursday, September 17, 2009

Class #19

You turn in your last essay, the MLA style Informative Essay.

We do some writing about questions of rhetorical effectiveness, using an array of texts.

If you're not in class, I'll post the links here, but you'll have to email me for the the specific questions that you should answer in your journal. All this will go toward your Third Journal Check points.

First of all, see this photo.

Then read this editorial.

Then look at this page.

Finally, read this essay.

All of the above will go into your journals.

Then we'll prepare for your final homework assignment by looking at this site.


1. Collect your last two vocabulary words.

2. Find a word in the Oxford English Dictionary (link to the left) that has an interesting or strange history. Be prepared to show the class the word's history, using the OED's etymology section. It can be one of your vocabulary words, or something different. My example of such a word is "sinister." And then there's "punk."

3. If you wish to earn extra credit (worth 4 possible points), write a five paragraph essay in your journal in answer to this prompt:
We all use many different kinds of language – with our friends, our family members, our co-workers, fellow students, and others. Sometimes we intend one meaning, but our language conveys something different. Describe a situation where language played an important role in how a situation developed. Conclude by commenting on how a different word choice might have made a difference in how the situation was resolved.

4. Be sure to bring your journal to class on Tuesday to be turned in.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Class #18

I return your Summary/Response #2 Essays .

We do Peer Reviews for your second drafts of the MLA Informative Essay.

Then you have 45 minutes to write the In-Class Essay in a bluebook.


1. In your journal, describe how the In-class Essay went for you. What points did you decide to make?

2. Create the final version of your MLA Informative Essay. Please email any questions you have about MLA details to me. Also, tutors in the writing lab can help you with details. You can also look at the SCC MLA Handbook link to the left. Your Works Cited page should look just like the examples there and in the Everyday Writer.

3. Two vocabulary words.