Friday, August 17, 2012

Summary/Response Final Version Due

Hand in your Summary/Response papers.

We go to this website:  The Art of Manliness.

I show you one article from the site.  You will choose a class-appropriate one that interests you, read it, and in your daybook list:

1.  The problem.

2.  All reasons given why it is a problem.

3.  The solution (s).

4.  One way this article motivated you to try to solve the problem.

On Monday you will stand in front of class and show us the article you chose, and explain these things for us.  Watch me do it NOW.

You have time to work on this now.  On Monday I will collect Daybooks.  This assignment should be written down for that check, and I'll assign daybook points to your class presentation.


1.  Do the Art of Manliness assignment.

2.  Have the daybook ready to hand in on Monday.

2.  TWFTD: your choice of word and quote from The Art of Manliness website.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Proofread and Problem Solving

Today you have opportunity for proofreading questions.

Then we look at the next kind of paper you will write.


Look at the pictures on pages 134-135 of Bedford.  Think about these families and situations.  Spend some time writing about the "problem" of feeding a family.  How do these families solve that problem, and what difficulties do you see with their solutions? Describe and comment on what you see.

Now we read an example of the next paper you will write.  Bedford pages 185-187, "Why Prisons Don't Work."

In your daybook, answer questions 2,3,5 and 8 from page187.


1.  Bring all parts of the Summary/Response paper to class.  Remember it must have a correct Works Cited page as well.

2.  TWFTD:  rehabilitation in the OED.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Edit and Proofread

Time today for editing.  If cs and ro are in your top three, remember page 316-317 in The Everyday Writer.  Do you know how to search for ALL the commas in your paper and check them?


1.  Final version with all tan comment sheets due Friday.  Tomorrow we talk about the NEXT paper, and proofread again.

2.  TWFTD:  plagiarism in the OED.  Check out the etymology (history)!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Draft 2 Summary/Response

We watch this.  How are you giving credit in this draft?

I return your long observation papers.  In your daybook:

1.  Copy down what I wrote for your strengths.
2.  List one comment or score that surprised you and explain.
3.  Make a list of the circled punc./grammar errors and tally a count.  What are your top two most common errors?

Prepare your Draft 2, and you read drafts in the same groups. Only read and comment on one.

THEN,  upload your draft through Moodle to the TurnItIn document reader.


1.  Be ready to edit tomorrow. You will work on the "top three" from today. Have your draft uploaded in our class's Moodle site. The Final Version will be due on Friday.

2.  TPFTD: "intellectual property" -- define, and quote a sentence that uses the phrase as a unit.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Plagiarism and Intellectual Property

In your daybook,  define plagiarism.  Here's one.

First of all, plagiarism stories: Viswanathan  Why did the publisher cancel her contract and destroy her books?  Helene Why did the publisher NOT cancel her contract, etc.?   Herr Guttenberg. Was this the right outcome for Germany?

Beyond "plagiarism" to "intellectual property":    Book covers?  Was this a case of theft? A business model? How could this be stopped? If the courts are in charge...  Do you agree with this ruling?

Better news, for some:  music...  TV   iTunes

All the questions above are answered in the daybook.


1.  Draft #2 Sum/Response due tomorrow, and also submit your draft within Moodle to TurnItIn. 

2. TWFTD: nebulous.