Friday, August 21, 2015

Draft #2 and Daybooks Due

Today you upload your Draft #2 to TurnItIn in our Moodle class. I'll show you how.

Then you read each other's drafts and comment.

Turn in daybooks, as well.


1. The  Final Version of this paper is due Tuesday August 25. It should have a Works Cited page. On Tuesday you'll bring all drafts and comment sheets to hand in.

2. No word.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Working on Your Draft #2

What point can YOU make about the article's topic or the article itself? THAT is the focus of your essay.

In order to MAKE YOUR POINT you need to explain the article (summarize it), describe its level of effectiveness, and make YOUR own point.

For example, "Politicians have to put up with more critical publicity than I would ever want to undergo" was the point I made when I wrote about the Pat Bourne article.

I could have made another point: "While SCC students are convinced they will never use my class in their future, they may be surprised where they end up."

Or another point: "Not all lawyers are who we think they are."

Or another point: "Providing students with support through difficult life issues is key to their success."

Paraphrasing vs. quoting? page 228 Ex. 18.2 in Everyday Writer.

Now you have time to write.


1. Tomorrow Draft #2 of your Summary/ Evaluation/ Response is due.  Have it printed -- you will fill out comment sheets about two drafts (hopefully) on the same article.

2. Daybook Check #3.

3. TWFTD:  plagiarism in OED

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Draft #1 Due Sum/Eval/Response

Your Kickstarters on Paper are returned. In your daybook:
1. Copy down the strength and weakness I wrote on your rubric.
2. If you could revise this paper now, what would you change?
3. Copy down two proofreading errors that got past you. What is the correction?

Get out your very rough draft so I can look at it.

You get into groups and work on the handout, answering these questions:

1. What is the main point your author is trying to make? State it at least TWO different ways:

2. Copy down in quotation marks one or two sentences from the article which state this point (or come close):

3. List at least three pieces of support or evidence this writer gives for this point:

4. Which of these are STRONG, in your view? Why?

5. Which of these is LESS STRONG or ineffective? Why?

6. Are any parts of the article hard to follow or not clear? Give paragraph numbers or quotes and explain:

7. Can you think of any OTHER examples/people/experiences/sources that would support this point? List:

8. Can you think of any other examples/people/experiences/sources that would show an opposite view of this point?

Draft #2 is due Friday. You will have time tomorrow to work on it, so bring ear buds to class if you like to listen to music while you type. You are creating a unified essay that does three things. You need to pay attention to how you organize!


1. Finish the questions above if you did not complete them during class. Keep the sheet in your daybook. Daybook Check #3 is this Friday.

2. Begin writing your Draft #2 due Friday.

3. TWFTD: your choice from your article, using the OED.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Evaluating Writing

Have you seen this? . How could this apply to proofreading?

Thinkwrite:  You are going to have to evaluate the article you read last night for the effectiveness of its writing.  What have we discussed so far in this class about the characteristics of effective writing that you could use to analyze the artice?

We discuss.

Everyday Writer Ch. 8 pages 78-93.

Here are some questions to help you as you take AT LEAST a page of notes about your article:

1. What is the point of this article? How soon in the article have you figured this out?

2. What support has the writer chosen to use? (Make a list.) (Comment on the effectiveness of each piece of support.)

3. How are the paragraphs organized? Any weaknesses or confusing choices?

4. What is one strength of this article? One weakness?

Take time to work on your notes.


1.  Draft #1 is due tomorrow, Wednesday August 19. For this rough draft, you may bring your version of an OUTLINE of your paper. But have some summary, some evaluation, AND some response written into your outline/bubble chart/rough draft. You will discuss these with peers.

2. TWFTD: your choice from your article using the OED.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Solo #2 Is Due

A. First of all, we use EasyBib to create a Works Cited page for this paper.

B. Now you are going to highlight the final version and post it in a reply to your post from Friday. So the two versions will both be posted in the forum in Moodle; your final version will be color-coded.


1. Italicize the sentence in your paper where you gave the title and author of the article you are writing about.

3. Make your  thesis green.

4. Make the summary yellow.   

5. Make your response to the content of the article pale blue. 

6. Underline any quotes. These are places that used the exact words of the article.

7. Make BOLD any time you used “Staples”  or "the author" or "the article"– these are your author tags.

When you are done, please post this in the forum, in a reply to your post on Friday.

C. NOW print your final version to hand in (PLAIN, NO COLOR).

D. Thinkwrite:  How much did you revise your paper after writing 45 minutes during class Friday? What can you do to prepare for a good outcome when you write the assessment at the end of the quarter?

Groups look at Ex. 25.1.

Now about Paper with Feedback #3. See the handout. See the example in Moodle.


1.  Look at the reading choices and choose which article you will write the next paper about. Read the whole article. Begin the note-taking process?

2. TWFTD: your choice from the article you have chosen.