Friday, May 2, 2014

Agger Paper Due

Today you will need The Bedford Guide for class.

Follow directions for turning in your paper.

When we are done, I will hand out the assignment sheet for the next paper. Surprise!!

Take time to look over your reading choices in Bedford.


1. Choose and read one of the articles in The Bedford Guide. Begin taking notes.

2. TWFTD: implication in OED.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thinking about Sum/Eval/Response

Open the forum in Moodle where you turned in the paper you highlighted yesterday.

You are going to open and read the paper of the PERSON BELOW YOU IN THE FORUM.

Look at their colorized version; find whatever is different from your version.

Click on "REPLY" to their post. In your reply, describe what was different from your version.

THEN explain WHY this might be. Include whether one version is correct or whether there is room for different ways of looking at it.

Time to work on the paper due tomorrow.

[ASEP and MOPAR, you get the next assignment sheet.]


1. Write and revise your paper about "Lazy Eyes" due tomorrow.

2.Bring access to the electronic file of your finished paper. Do NOT print before class.

2. TWFTD: your choice from "Lazy Eyes" again.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Working at Summary/Eval/Response

Now you are going to highlight my example essay that you saved yesterday with your name in the file name.

1. Highlight the first and last sentences with red. The first should be a hook. The last is a “clincher.”

2. Italicize the title and author of the article.

3. Highlight all of the summary with yellow.   

4. Highlight any evaluation of the writing with green.

5. Highlight any response to the article with pale blue. 

6. Underline any quotes. These are places that usedthe exact words of the article.

7. Make BOLD any time I used “the writer”  or "the author" or "the article"– any time I used author tags (and would have used a name if there was one on this article).

We discuss how this relates to the yellow assignment sheet. Special attention to what is OBJECTIVE and what is SUBJECTIVE in this assignment.

Now work on taking notes about Agger in your daybook, and then begin writing your essay.


1. Be working on your Summary/Evaluation/Response paper about "Lazy Eyes."

2. TWFTD: your choice from "Lazy Eyes."

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Hand in your Kickstarters on Paper.

You answered the questions  about Pat Bourne for today.

Write a paragraph of summary.

Write a paragraph of your reaction to the reading.

Now we discuss.

Now download and read my example essay about the article (see Moodle). Do a "Save As" version of my paper; save it in your N drive, and add your name to the title of the paper. We will do something with it tomorrow.

Here's the assignment sheet for your Solo Paper #2. "Lazy Eyes" is online -- see Moodle.


1. Read "Lazy Eyes" by Michael Agger, link in Moodle. It's an online article.

2. Finish reading the yellow assignment sheet and my example essay (in Moodle).

2.  TWFTD: idiosyncracy in OED.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Moving On?

First of all, we look at EasyBib. What is required to get full credit for a Works Cited Page? See Bedford, also.

Then we look at the grammar exercises you did on Friday.

Any questions about the paper due tomorrow?

I hand out a reading. The questions at the end should be answered in your daybook. Please return the handout before you leave -- there is a copy in Moodle.


1. Finish the questions about the Pat Bourne reading.

2. Final Version of Kickstarter on Paper due with all drafts and comment sheets.

3. TWFTD: mastectomy