Friday, December 7, 2012

Final Version Due

Blastoff.  Dec. 7, 1972  The hammer .

You get your Problem/Solution paper ready to hand in.

Rhetoric, again, my friends.  The ancients, et al?

Now, the moderns: we watch this. Here's a quick summary of the same thing : take notes.

Now, we discuss these "principles." Do you have an example of someone using one of these on you?

Or did you already use these ideas? How could these be used in writing?

Daybook Assignment: You need to describe/write two applications of these principles of persuasion to your final paper's problem in the real world, or your in writing about it.


1.  Do the daybook assignment, above.

2.  Your daybook will be turned in on Monday.  For extra daybook credit,  write a persuasive letter that uses one or more of the above principles.  You choose the audience/purpose/topic, and you must fill at least one page. You are trying to get someone to do something.

3.  TWFTD:  ethics in OED.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


We go over some answers to yesterday's comment sheet. Do you all know how to get the in-text citations right?

Today you do some editing, then work on your own paper's editing.

Final Version due tomorrow.


1.  Final Version Problem/Solution with MLA Citing due.  Bring all drafts and purple sheets.

2. TWFTD:  manipulation in OED.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Draft #2 Due

Today class will not meet.

Go to our class in Moodle and upload your Draft 2 with Works Cited page.

Then read the two example papers there and fill out the purple handout from class Tuesday.  If you have lost that handout, there is a copy of it on Moodle as well.


1.  Get your paper in shape to hand in on Friday.

2.  No word for the day today.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Shared In-Class Essay

Today you write the Shared In-Class Essay -- for assessment and 5% of your grade.

Read the prompt.  Think.  Make some notes.  Write.  Read it through before you hand it in, please.


1.  Draft 2 is due tomorrow. 

I am not on campus tomorrow, so you will go to Moodle to complete tomorrow's work.  You upload your Draft 2 into TurnItIn in Moodle, with the Works Cited page. (This may throw off your percentage of match -- that's okay.)

THEN, you read two example papers that are there in Moodle, and fill out the purple handout that I give you today in class.

2.  TWFTD:  domestic in the OED.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Computer Work

Today we go to the lab.

There, you will use TurnItIn to work on your paper. Exact matches should be less than 15% of your paper.  If you have more, work on paraphrasing your information.

Also, you will post three "blurbs" for papers you have written for this class in a forum in Moodle.

Also, you'll read or listen to the essay that tomorrow's Shared In-Class essay is about. Here's the reading for tomorrow's timed In-Class Essay.


1.  Buy a bluebook for class tomorrow.

2.  Read and think about the essay "Teacher" by Nick Capo.

3.  TWFTD:  meticulous in OED