Friday, May 9, 2014

Draft #2 of Summary/Evaluation/Response with Feedback

Open the efile of your draft and The Bedford Guide.

NOW we are going to go FULL MLA ON YOUR PAPER. Every single person should get 10/10 on the MLA score for this paper. That includes a correct Works Cited page, the format of the paper, and citing the source as you write.

After every quote, add in the page number from the book where that quote appears in the text, like this:

When Zinsser says he wants to "put in a word for the fink," I am confused (624).
Schor gives us a few options for thinking about the collection of "malcontents" that she describes. She guesses that we might think they are "funny, pathetic, or reprehensible" (635).

Note that the period is outside the ( ).

Are you quoting someone else who was quoted by your author? This is tricky; be careful and ask for help if you are not sure, but DO make it clear who said what.

CLICK SAVE. Submit this draft into Turnitin in Moodle.

If you have NO quotes in your paper, that's a problem.

Now you get in the same groups as Wednesday, and read and comment upon two drafts.

Hand in daybooks at the end of class.


The final version of this paper is due Tuesday May 13.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

EasyBib and then Commas

Today for class you need The Everyday Writer.

First of all, we all go to EasyBib to get your article cited correctly. Follow me.

Then we look at Section 39. Let's look at Everyday Writer's summation of comma rules.

You will do Ex. 39.1 and 39.3 and 39.5.


1. Draft #2 is due tomorrow. Have a hard copy and an e-file for uploading to Turnitin.

2. Complete the above exercises. Have your daybook ready to hand in.

3. TWFTD: fact  in the OED.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Draft #1 Summary/ Evaluation/ Response

Fill out the Writer's Page I hand out. Put your draft with the comment sheets.

You get into a group with others who read the same article.

Read and comment on two drafts each.

When you finish, do Exercise 42.1 page 420-421 in Everyday Writer. Number 1-10 in your daybook and only write down the italicized words. There are two sets in some sentences. Check in Section 42 for help with special cases.


1. Make this draft better. Draft #2 is due Friday.

2. Complete the grammar exercise 42.1 in The Everyday Writer p. 420-421.

3. Daybook check is Friday.

4. TWFTD: your choice from your article  in OED

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Punctuation Some More

1. First of all, a review of coordination and subordination. Where is that in your daybook?

Now we use this link:

You will write in your daybook, according to my directions.

2. How about apostrophes? They are a problem for many people....

See Section 42 in Everyday Writer.

Now use this link: . Number 1-20 in your daybook, and record what you do -- including any wrong answers before you get to the correct answer.

Any time left, work on the draft due tomorrow.


1. Draft #1  of your summary/evaluation/response of an article in Bedford is due.

2. TWFTD: your choice from your article.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Critical Thinking

Thinkwrite: In one sentence explain what critical thinking is. Then describe a situation or activity you've gone through that required you to do critical thinking.

We discuss.

You read pages 40-43 in Bedford.

Based on your reading of your article and the notes you have taken, answer the following questions in your daybook:

1. What is the main point your author is trying to make?

2. Copy down in quotation marks one sentence from the article which states this point (or comes close):

3. List at least three pieces of support or evidence this writer gives for this point:

4. Which of these are STRONG, in your view? Why?

5. Which of these is WEAK or ineffective? Why?

6. Are any of these hard to follow or not clear?

7. Can you think of any OTHER examples/people/experiences/sources that would support this point? List:

8. Can you think of any other examples/people/experiences that would disprove this point?


1. Draft #1 of Project #3 with Feedback DUE Wednesday (change of dates).

2. TWFTD: anecdote in the OED.