Friday, December 10, 2010

Informative Papers Due

Your prepare your papers to hand in, and then read them to us.

When we're done, you'll write a freewrite on the process of putting this paper together.


I'll collect your daybooks on Monday, so be sure you have 40 vocabulary words done.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

MLA Style

Some reminders about the MLA style and you in later classes.

Then you take a handout and attempt to put the sources in MLA style using  Check the answers using the SCC MLA Style Guide on the sidebar.

Your final version is due tomorrow.

Also, have 40 vocabulary words by Monday, when I'll collect your daybooks.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Draft #2 Informing

Today you read each other's drafts.  The final version is due Friday.

Finish up your vocabulary words also;  you need to have forty done when you turn in your daybooks next week.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

In-Class Essay

Today is the In-Class Essay. 

You have 45 minutes to answer the prompt in your bluebook.

Be sure to take some time to plan out your response before you begin.  You can make notes anywhere -- in the bluebook or on the prompt.


1. Draft 2 of the Informative paper is due tomorrow.  Be sure to have a Works Cited page and a couple in-text citations.

2.  One vocabulary word.  You need 40 of them by next week to get the maximum daybook grade.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Citing Sources

Today we practice using to create your Works Cited pages.

Remember to buy a bluebook for tomorrow.