Friday, March 14, 2014

Final Version Due of Problem/ Solution with Sources

Last questions?  You will hand in the old Problem/ Solution paper WITH this paper and its comment sheets.

Then we do a handbook exercise.  We watch Mike Rowe at TED.

After we watch the video, write this thinkwrite:

What is the main problem Mike is presenting? Do have any ideas for solving this problem?


1. Daybooks are due on Monday. The Search Log is worth the most points for this check. There is one loose page as well (report of an online exercise score).

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Reading Drafts

Today you read each other's drafts of the Problem/ Solution with Sources.

Also, upload your draft in Turnitin. Hmmm, will it come back matching your other paper?  May be a problem....


1. Proofread, make corrections, and prepare the Final Version to hand in tomorrow, Friday [Diesel Farm hand in Monday].

2. If you need daybook points, spend time working on the Search Log in your daybook.

Human brain at work.(not to mention the body as well)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thinking About Sources

First, some thinking time. Like Sherlock Holmes thinking.  The kind of thing the internet makes you do all the time.

Pick one of the following graphics of information to study closely:


Wind map:

The  world's LAND MAMMALS by weight.

Wealth and health of nations over time. Click play arrow and it moves....

In your daybook, describe which site you're looking at. How trustworthy do you think the information is that is presented? What can you figure out about the source of the data and its presentation. Explain.

Now you have time for working on your Problem/ Solution paper with Sources. Keep the Search Log in your daybook when you are looking for sources.


1. The only Draft is due tomorrow, Thursday Mar. 13. [Except for Diesel Farm.]Have both in-text citations and a Works Cited page so readers can help you get it right.

2. The draft will be uploaded to Turnitin. We are looking for a match of MORE than zero but less than 15% (ish).

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Common Assessment Essay

Today you write the common assessment.

You have the class period to type or write a short essay in response to ONE prompt about the reading.

The reading is "What's Love Got to do With It" by Anjula Razdan, page 501 in Bedford.


1. Be working on sources for your Problem/ Solution with Sources paper.

2. Be sure to keep a Search Log in your daybook as you look for sources.

3. The only draft is due Thursday, not tomorrow, as planned.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Getting Ready

You hand in your Short Project #3 papers ( with Works Cited page).

Thinkwrite: What have you read this quarter? What was the best piece of writing you've read so far this quarter (including fellow students' work) ? What made it effective?

We talk about the SCC Departmental Assessment Essay. This will be written during class tomorrow. It will be about the reading I handed out Friday. You may type or hand-write (you need a bluebook if you handwrite). You will have two prompts to choose from. WHEN YOU PASS IT, you get an automatic TWO pages added to your page-count(or one page in addition to the number you type). (It will be scored by an instructor in Lincoln.)

Also, you are working on finding sources and adding information into your Problem/Solution paper. I return them.

Here's a Prezi with a review of the basics of MLA citation rules. This is what will form the basis for much of the grade of the Problem/ Solution  with Sources paper due this Friday.


1. Read Anjula Razdan's essay and be ready to write about it tomorrow during class.

2. Work on finding credible sources for your Problem/ Solution paper.