Friday, June 6, 2014

Final Version Due Problem/ Solution with Sources

You turn in your papers.

What do you know about Mars?  Google a question -- Google an image--

Do you know how we got there most recently?

But how did we REALLY get there?

Okay, now for the real point. Mike Rowe. When this video is over you'll write a thinkwrite in your daybook, so keep your ears open. Notice all the ways this guy is a pro at presenting a message.

Also, Mike has a web site where scholarships are available.


1. Your daybook is due Monday.

2. On Tuesday you need to bring all the papers in your portfolio, and I'll return any that I have.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Citation Details

A. First of all, 3-2-1. Write down on the card:
  •  3 MLA details/rules you are sure you have correct (list them)
  •  2 MLA details you have doubts (questions) about                                      
  •  1 The most interesting piece of information you learned from your souces.

B. You have an MLA Daybook Project to do in our class in Moodle.

  a. Open and read the example paper "Til Death Do Us Part."

  b. Highligh ALL the in-text citations in the paper with yellow.

  c. Then answer the questions below IN YOUR DAYBOOK:

1. How many times was a source quoted in this paper?
2. How many times was a source paraphrased?

3.  Copy down a parenthetical citation (everything inside the parentheses) that uses an author’s last name.

4.  Copy down a parenthetical citation that uses the title of an article:

5.  Look at the Works Cited list on page 5.  How many of these sources are from the internet? 

How many are print?
6. Give a shortened version of the title of the oldest source she used.

 7.  Do you think Mother Jones is a book or a magazine? 
                     How can you tell by looking at the Works Cited citation?

8.  When I look at the Works Cited page, I can tell when this student was working on researching her paper.  Look carefully.  What is the date range when she was looking up information?

 9.  This quote is cited in the paper like this:
                      Sadly, “twenty-five percent of all women who are beaten are pregnant” (Prah).
           Which of these, A or B, is also correct? 
A.   Pamela Prah writes that “twenty-five percent of all women who are beaten are pregnant” (Prah). 

B.    Pamela Prah writes that “twenty-five percent of all women who are beaten are pregnant.”

1. Finish the Final Version of your Problem/ Solution with Sources paper. Have a hard copy to hand in AND submit the Final Version to Part 2 of TurnItIn "Only Draft."

2. TWFTD: an impressive word from another class -- your choice. (your program? your favorite BIG word?) Use the OED on it.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Only Draft for Feedback: Problem/ Solution with Sources.

You will read two drafts.

Be sure that YOU understand the MLA details as you give feedback about them.

Also, please upload your draft to Turnitin (use Part 1). You should have made the editing changes I marked on it. If you need to, work on it tonight and upload before class tomorrow.

Pay particular attention to clear quoting and paraphrasing that sounds like YOU, not the article.


1. Continue to work on the paper due Friday. Tomorrow we will work on Works Cited details, as needed.

2. TWFTD: egregious in OED or Google

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

In-Class Essay

Today you have the class period to type an essay in response to the prompt I will give you at the beginning of class.

Here is a link to an internet copy of the article:

Take time to organize your thoughts before you begin.

Make sure that you meet the assignment of the prompt you choose.

Take time at the end to proofread your work.



1. Tomorrow the ONLY draft of your Problem/ Solution with Sources paper is due. Have a Works Cited page AND in-text citations added in to your paper.

2. TWFTD: no word.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Ready, Set, Write.

I return your Problem/ Solution papers. Any questions? You should ask me about any comments I made on your paper that you don't understand, since I expect you to take action and revise for the paper due this Friday.

Tomorrow is the In-Class Shared Essay.

You have the reading assignment. The reading is in Bedford, and there is a PDF of it in our class in Moodle.

You have time right now to re-read the article and make a page of notes in your daybook. Fold a page in half. On one side give it the heading  "Jones' Points." On the other side write the heading, "My Thoughts."

Read, think, and make notes.

Tomorrow when you come to class I will hand out a  prompt, which will give you a choice between TWO OPTIONS for an essay about the reading. Be sure to meet the assignment of the prompt you choose.

If you want to hand write your essay tomorrow, buy a bluebook in the bookstore.


1. Be ready to write about "Violent Media is Good for Kids."

2. Be working on your Problem/ Solution with Sources. The only draft is due Wednesday and should have a Works Cited page AND in-text citations.

3. TWFTD: your choice from "Violent Media is Good for Kids."