Friday, May 6, 2011

Summary/Response Due

First of all, you hand in your Summary/Response  papers.

We go over the editing practice.

Then you look at the next paper's assignment, and an example of this kind of writing.


1. Monday you must have an image or short video you can show me that you will be writing about. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Next Paper

We go over Ex. 36.1   You do some editing practice.

Then we discuss Summary/Analysis of an Image. See these examples of possible topics:

The Fall of Icarus


The Haka

As you edit your Summary/Response for tomorrow, be thinking about an image that you can write about.


1. Summary/Response due tomorrow.

2. Vocabulary word.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011



Vocabulary words.

We look at introductions that worked for past students.

We look at Sec.36 and you do Ex. 36.1 in your daybook.  While you work on this, I can read drafts.


1. Keep polishing your Summary/Response.

2.  One vocabulary word.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Draft #2 Summary/Response

Today you read drafts.

Also work on Ex. 35.3 and 35.4 from pages 352-353 in Everyday Writer.  Be sure to read the explanations before you get started.


1.  Finish  Ex. 35.3 and 35.4 on pages 352-353.

2.  Keep working on your  Summary/Response paper.

3.  One vocabulary word.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Modifier Monday

I return your Remembering papers.  You find examples of parallism in your Remembering papers.

We look at modifier placement, Sec. 35.  Together we do Ex. 35.1.  Then you work your way through Ex. 35.2.  Put the answers in your daybook.  Show two fixes, but you do not have to copy the entire sentence out.

1.  Draft #2 is due tomorrow.

2.  Finish your Error List from the Memory Paper if you did not do so in class.

2.  One vocabulary word.