Thursday, July 23, 2009

Class #3


Groups discussed the examples of writing genres that everyone brought to class.

We read Samuel Scudder's "Take This Fish and Look At It" on page 60 and discussed the Observation paper assignment, including techniques for doing this kind of writing.

Then groups read Muir's description of the Yosemite Valley on pages 56-57 and annotated it for the techniques for writing about observation (see Reid p. 54-55).

I handed out copies of the assignment sheet for the Observation paper. If you need another copy of it, email me please.


1. Read in Reid pages 90-95 for an example of a student essay called "Permanent Tracings" that meets the Observation essay assignment.

2.Then begin observing your chosen subject. Fill at least two pages of your journal with observation notes. These can be very rough, including lists, drawings, quotes, bubble charts or sketches.

3. Write Draft #1 of your observation essay. For help with shaping the paper, look at pages 80-85 in Reid. It may be hand-written, but do skip lines so it's easier to read and make changes on. The goal is to have as many pages as possible, but there is no page requirement at this stage. Revising will be easier if you have too much and are paring it down, rather than struggling to reach the required pages. E-mail questions to me as you have them! Bring your first draft to class on Tuesday.

4. Two vocabulary words in your journal.

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