Wednesday, April 6, 2011

More on Observation

Now we discuss the vocabulary section of your daybook. From now on you need to add one vocabulary word for each day that class meets, not including Fridays.  So that's four words a week except for this week. For each entry:

1. List the word.
2. Quote a chunk of the context so we can tell how it was used.
3. Write your guess for what it means.
4. Copy the definition from a dictionary that matches that context.

For example:

1. impetuous
2. "the live impetuous blood pulsating"
3. not controlled?
4. forcibly rushing (OED)

Thinking about observation.  We look at the handout about meeting this assignment and discuss the techniques for this kind of writing.

You look over Dinesen's "The Iguana." Form groups and annotate her use of the techniques for writing about observation.

We look at it together.


1.  You decide on what you will observe for this essay.  You will need to complete TWO full pages of observation notes in your daybook about this item over the next week.  Your notes may include sketches and diagrams.

2.  One vocabulary word.

3.  Tomorrow is a work day.  You do not need to come to class unless you have questions for me.  Bring you first draft on Friday.

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