Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Short Essay Time

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle."

- George Orwell
 "All of us are watchers – of television, of time clocks, of traffic on the freeway – but few are observers. Everyone is looking; not many are seeing."

- Peter Leschak 
In your daybook, write down a quick outline of today's essay.  List your thesis with the points under it.  Find in your stuff the gray paper about introductions, but remember, write you introduction last!
We go to the lab where you type up your short essay about close observation.  Here, again, is the prompt:

 In a short essay of five or so paragraphs, discuss what close observation involves, and explain its usefulness.  Be sure to include detailed examples, an introduction and conclusion.


1. Bring the notes or recording of your interview to class.  You will have lab time to transcribe (type up) your notes or the recording. If it is a recording, bring earbuds.

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