Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Metaphors and Marking Up

A. Remember when I said that good writing is like magic?

Well, that's a simile, which is just like a metaphor, which is really just a comparison.

B. We're going to watch a video about metaphors. When it is done, you should be able to give at least one reason why "metaphor matters." Here's the video.

So write in your daybook one reason why "metaphor matters."  Invisible?

C. Now, another story:

I used to get an email with the subject, "Why English Teachers Die Young." It was "bad high school student writing". It said. But it was funny...

Snopes (the place on the internet to go to see if you're being fooled) revealed that these gems are the result of writers' hard work at winning a contest.
If you'd like to read more of them, go to the same contest from a different year.

In your daybook, please copy down two of these that you think are especially good, AND INCLUDE THE AUTHOR'S NAME.

D. Open up your draft for the Summary/Evaluation/Response paper that you are working on. Do a "Save As" to create a new copy of it, and name it with "Colors" in the name. Then do the following:
  1. Highlight the introduction BLUE. Italicize your hook.
  2. Highlight any summary PINK.
  3. Highlight any evaluation of the writing YELLOW.
  4. Highlight your response to the content GREEN.
  5. Highlight the conclusion ORANGE.
  6. Underline the sentence that cites your source.
  7. Make sure that the title of the article has quote marks around it.

Now save this in your N drive, and continue to work on the draft. Draft 2 is now due on FRIDAY.  The final version is due on Monday. Tomorrow we will do some more with your draft.


1. Work on your draft. Draft 2 is due Friday.

2. TWFTD: synesthesia

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