Monday, November 11, 2013

Problem/Solution Day 1

Turn in your Summary/ Evaluation/ Response papers.

Thinkwrite: Come up with three labels that apply to you. (For me, my labels include teacher, mother, driver, gardener, daughter, reader.)

Now think of the worst thing (morally or emotionally) you have ever done. What labels might someone on the outside attach to you based on those actions? Don't tell what you did, but list some labels

Thinkwrite: Are any of the terms on your second list also on the first? Why not?

Remember I said that TED talks were Creative Commons works?We watch this.

Thinkwrite: Why do you think America, the home of the free, have the biggest prison population in the world? Do you know anyone who has spent time in jail?

Now we read an example of the next paper you will write. Bedford pages 185-187, "Why Prisons Don't Work."

In your daybooks, answer questions 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8 from Bedford page 187.


1. Begin thinking about a problem you can write about, with actual solutions you can propose and explain. The problem must be something you have personal experience with. This rules out big political debates; you must have personal experience with the problem.

2. TWFTD: identity in OED NOT the mathematical!

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