Monday, January 27, 2014

Kickstarter Reviews Due

Turn in your Kickstarter Reviews.

I assume you are working on your Kickstarter on Paper project. Questions?

Why is English so hard to spell?

I hand out a sheet. Read it over and complete anything on it you can.

Here is the link to today's lecture on "Why Is English So Hard to Spell? This is called a Prezi, a new alternative to powerpoints. Fill your handout in as we go. After class I'm hoping you'll open this up and look at the stuff I skipped over.

Keep the handout in your daybook for the next check.

The Lego project is graded and visible in Moodle. I'll return them Wednesday.


1. Draft #1 of the Kickstarter on Paper is due tomorrow. Your classmates will read and give feedback. Remember, you may play with formatting, but you need the 4 Key Elements:

1. Explain the product.
2. Explain the plan of production.
3. Have incentives/rewards for investment.
4. Risks and Challenges. (What might prevent success with production?)

2. TWFTD: assimilation

3. If the history of English interests you, watch this video, a "lighthearted" (not safe for school) history of English in 10 minutes.

Wikipedia in "English Language": "Owing to the assimilation of words from many other languages throughout history, modern English contains a very large vocabulary, with complex and irregular spelling, particularly of vowels."

4. No typo.

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