Thursday, January 23, 2014

Solo Project #1 Due -- The Kickstarter Review

Print your Kickstarter Review paper due today.

Let's look at an example review. Answer these questions about the review in your daybook:

1. Give the number of the paragraph that is introducing the topic.

2. Copy down one sentence that you think explains what the point of the whole paper is. (thesis)

3. Explain in your own words what paragraph #3 is about.

4. Explain the topic of paragraph #4.

5. Explain the topic of paragraph #5.

6. Copy down the topic sentence of paragraph #6.

7. What is the topic of paragraph #7?

8. The last sentence of the paper is a fragment. Is it effective, or confusing? What do you think?  I could have used the title as my clincher instead: "What are we doing in Comp I at Milford? We're building to write and writing to build. " Which do you prefer?

9. When you finish the whole paper, is there anything missing? Do you have any unanswered questions?

After you finish these questions, you need to write on the board....

What are the Key Elements that successful Kicktsarters seem to have? I'm referring to sections.

We discuss this and come up with a list.  I hand out the assignment for Project with Feedback #2, you writing up your own Kickstarter on paper.  We add the Key Elements to it.


1. Begin work on your own Kickstarter on paper. Your purpose is to create a document that would persuade your classmates to spend money. Draft #1 is due Tuesday.

2. Something else is due Monday, TBA.

3. TWFTD: the most pompous word you can find. Your choice.

4. One typo that I know of.

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