Thursday, February 13, 2014

Comma Practice

Where do the commas go?

1. To win the contest Jason needed skill and luck.

2. While her friends watched Lily practiced her gymnastics routine.

3. I opened the junk drawer and the cabinet door jammed.

4. Some studies have shown that chocolate of all things helps to prevent tooth decay.

5. In "America's War on the Overweight" the authors are showing how we pick on the obese.

6. Reading playing the clarinet and making Youtube videos are my weekend activities.

I return the Agger papers. What is one weakness of the Agger paper that you will improve on the current paper?

Time to work on everything due tomorrow.


1. Draft #2 is due of your Project with Feedback #3. You will upload Draft #2 into Turnitin in Moodle, as well.

2. Daybooks are due tomorrow.

3.TWFTD: your choice from the article you are writing about.

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