Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Evaluating Writing

Have you seen this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGQmdoK_ZfY . How could this apply to proofreading?

Thinkwrite:  You are going to have to evaluate the article you read last night for the effectiveness of its writing.  What have we discussed so far in this class about the characteristics of effective writing that you could use to analyze the artice?

We discuss.

Everyday Writer Ch. 8 pages 78-93.

Here are some questions to help you as you take AT LEAST a page of notes about your article:

1. What is the point of this article? How soon in the article have you figured this out?

2. What support has the writer chosen to use? (Make a list.) (Comment on the effectiveness of each piece of support.)

3. How are the paragraphs organized? Any weaknesses or confusing choices?

4. What is one strength of this article? One weakness?

Take time to work on your notes.


1.  Draft #1 is due tomorrow, Wednesday August 19. For this rough draft, you may bring your version of an OUTLINE of your paper. But have some summary, some evaluation, AND some response written into your outline/bubble chart/rough draft. You will discuss these with peers.

2. TWFTD: your choice from your article using the OED.

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