Thursday, January 21, 2016

Language Use in Kickstarter

Thinkwrite: Hopefully, you have made some progress on the paper due Monday. Take some time now to explain what YOU think are the required characteristics (or criteria, or elements) for a successful Kickstarter presentation. (Note: this is what your paper is about.)

We look at Everyday Writer Sec. 23. You should have this list:

Appropriate Formality
Slang and colloquial language
Pompous language, euphemism and doublespeak
Denotation and connotation
General and specific language
Figurative Language
Similes, metaphors, and analogies

Now I explain the "Language Use in Kickstarter" assignment in our class in Moodle. It is due Monday Jan. 25 as well. [Go to Moodle, scroll to the highlighted section, click on "Language Use in Kickstarter." Directions are on the sheet that downloads.]

How about noticing metaphors and similes?

 How about using specific and concrete language? Let's transform "We took a test."
Do Ex. 23.5 on page 267, writing the answers in your daybook.


1. Continue working on your paper, due Monday. Refer to the helpful information in Ch.21 Bedford as you think about your introduction/ conclusion/ transitions/connections.

2. Keep an eye out for the items on the "Language Use in Kickstarter" as you think about your examples.

3. TWFTD: your choice from Everyday Writer (second one)

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