Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Letters and Links

Who's reading your stuff?  Thinkwrite.

You are going to write two letters (email format).  This is to demonstrate how your writing (content and style) can change depending on the rhetorical situation (audience, purpose, genre).

Here's the assignment:

Audience Awareness
A key to effective writing is tailoring your writing to your audience. Using the Lego project, you found out how well you were able to communicate concrete directions to your classmates.
Now you are going to write two letters (think long emails) to two different recipients.  What you write and how you write it will change, depending upon your chosen audience.
Types/Purpose of Letter:

I.  Advice to:
II.   Fan Letter to:
  •  Your favorite musician/athlete/star  
  •  A person in your life you admire
  • An organization or entity
III.  Complaint to:
IV.  Thank you?  Other?

Step 1:  Choose the type of letter you will write, either I, II or III.  You then have to decide on TWO different recipients, and you will write TWO letters of the same type, but to different recipients.

Step 2:  Below your standard MLA heading (your name,  my name, etc.), type
          Subject Line:                    Fill these in for each letter (email) that you write
Step 3:  After you have drafted your letters, give careful thought to what you will put in the subject line.  This is where you get the person to open that email and read what you have written.  It also can’t appear to be spam.
Step 4: Format these letters as you would a real email --  short paragraphs, correct grammar and spelling, content appropriate to the audience.
Step 5:  Print when ready and hand in.  No drafts are required (but you should…).
Final and only version due Wednesday Jan. 30.
Joe Schmoe
Mrs. Loden
English 1010
30 Jan 2013
            Genre:  Advice
            Audience: Any college freshman
            Purpose:  To prevent my dumb mistakes
            Subject Line: Kid, before you start college, read this.
                           The letter starts……
            Genre: Advice
            Audience:  My brother
            Purpose:  To help him decide on a career
            Subject Line:  It’s only a job—sort of.
                       The letter starts…..
Read letters at the links.  Think.  Tomorrow is a work day;  use it for either letters or Draft #1 of Long Observation.

1.  Be working on Draft #1.

2.  Be thinking about letters.

3.  TWFTD:  idiosyncrasies.

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