Friday, October 21, 2011

Words, Analogies, Audiences and Wolves

I. In your daybook, make two columns labelled Latinate vs. Anglo-Saxon words.  Categorize these words:  superfluous, nomenclature, subsequent, follow, name, enough.

We watch this video. So, think about your words. Just because it comes from the Latin, does NOT make it better!

II. Another thing to think about in your Observation paper is using a comparison to help us imagine something.  These are similes and metaphors.  For instance, look at the handoutCopy down your two favorites into your daybook, please.

III. I return your audience awareness short essays.  In your daybook, after you read my comments and marks, copy down one strength and one weakness of this paper. If you wish to improve your grade on this paper, make the suggested changes and hand it back in.

IV. Finally, read a professional writer's observations in " Observing Wolves" by Farley Mowat.  Read this and answer the questions in your daybook.


1.  Read Mowat and answer the questions in your daybook.

2.  Work on your Observation paper.  Final Version due Tuesday, typed MLA style.

3.  Have an electronic version of it available to put on the computer Monday.

4.  TWFTD: nice

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