Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A Summary/ Response Essay

You do some writing.

We discuss the Pat Bourne questions.

Now you read an example essay that is doing summary/ response (download from Moodle, do "Save As"  and add YOUR LAST NAME to the file name).

Then colorize YOUR copy of the essay, using these directions:

1. Make the first and last sentences in the paper red. The first should be a hook. The last is a “clincher.”

2. Italicize the title and author of the article I'm writing about.

3. Make the thesis orange.

4. Make the summary yellow.   

5. Make any response to the content of the article pale blue. 

6. Underline any quotes. These are places that used the exact words of the article.

7. Make BOLD any time I used “the writer”  or "the author" or "the article"– these are called author tags (and would have used a name if there was one on this article).

When you are done, go to moodle to upload your colorized version in the forum there. Be sure to follow the instructions so that you answer the required questions as you post.'s

What's subjective vs. objective?


1. Make sure all the above is complete.

2. Begin reading "Black Men in Public Space" by Brent Staples p. 520-522 in Bedford. You'll want to have read it several times in order to write about it. Here's a link as well:

3. As you read, take a page of notes that has TWO COLUMNS:  Summary ////  Response

4. TWFTD: affluent in OED

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